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TWIC Escort Services

Our commitment to security transcends the borders of land and sea. Since 1939, our Houston-based team has been providing maritime security services to keep our country’s ports and waterways safe.

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Our skilled team is backed by the nationally-recognized TWIC Certification (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) and have access to restricted and secured areas of several U.S. ports. We employ reliable, trustworthy, and engaged team members to provide 24/7 services for a range of clients including the military, commercial enterprises, and small private companies. If you do not have a TWIC card but have legitimate business at the Port of Houston Authority facility, Danner’s Inc. can provide you with a secured TWIC Escort.

We offer TWIC Escort services to surveyors, freight forwarders, insurance representatives, or exporter/importers who need to examine cargo being loaded or unloaded at the port. We also provide escorts for crew members that need to sign on or off, detained crew transportation, transportation for medical purposes, and transportation of spare parts for repair or forwarding.


We maintain a high degree of information and communication services for the shipping industry. We understand and appreciate the importance of timely communications to owners and operators working with the vessel. In the case of a scheduling change or emergency event, our staff can be contacted by mobile phones.


Danner’s is proud to offer TWIC Escort Service to the Port of Houston and Galveston, as well as several additional terminals throughout the Gulf Coast. TWIC Escorts are required for access throughout the Port of Houston, Barbours Cut and Bayport container terminals. A TWIC or TWIC Escort will also be required for such access to the waterfront areas of PHA’s Turning Basin terminal.


The TWIC program ensures that individuals who pose a threat do not gain unescorted access to secure areas of the nation’s maritime transportation system. As of April 14, 2009, anyone needing unescorted access to secure areas of the Port of Houston Authority, as well as any federally regulated facility along the Houston Ship Channel, must either have a TWIC card or be escorted while on the property. The purpose of the TWIC program is to increase security at U.S. seaports by providing a common identification credential for transportation workers. Anyone applying for a TWIC card must pass a threat assessment.


The TWIC is a “smart card,” which contains the worker’s name, photo and biometric information (fingerprint template). To obtain a TWIC, an individual must successfully pass a security threat assessment conducted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which looks at criminal background, immigrant status, terrorist watch list screening, and mental capacity. It takes an average of 21 days from application to receive the credential.

The Coast Guard will conduct checks using handheld card readers to confirm the identity of TWIC holders and TWIC Escorts during regular inspections and unannounced spot checks. Individuals without a TWIC card or TWIC Escort will be subject to civil or criminal penalties as determined by local authorities and federal regulations.


If you would like more information on our TWIC Escort service (including the per hour or day rates), please contact or call the Houston Corporate office at 713-923-2651. You may contact Brad Maxcey, Doug Maxcey, Guy Savage, or James Maxcey in the Houston Office.

Danner’s Inc. has been providing Transportation, Security, Freight, and Escort Services for 80 years since 1939.


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